Our Work

I have always wanted to know what my purpose is in this life and because I love people and have the desire to “Serve”, God has filled me with a passion to serve – the homeless. My question was – Where do I start Lord and where do I go? My answer was – I will be with you, will never leave you, nor forsake you in doing my Will. So my journey began. Below are a few of the people that I have met. Yes, they are all homeless, but happy. It is truly amazing to see the Love that they have for each other and they each have their own personal story to tell. Many will tell you that they do not want to live this way, but have fallen on hard times. They will also tell you that you don’t have a story to tell unless you have experienced something.

My job that I have been given by God is one that I cannot describe. I can only say that I thank God for choosing me. I don’t know what the future holds for me or the people I meet, I can only say, I know who holds the future.

Thank you for visiting my page. God Bless!

His servant – Bertha